If you need insurance claim assistance because you residential property in New York, New Jersey or Florida has suffered damage caused by extreme weather events like winds, fires, floods hail stone, lightning or hurricanes, by plumbing problems, vandalism or theft, the most skilled public adjusters are ready to leverage long years of experience and expertise to your advantage.

The insurance claim assistance provided by public adjusters encompasses the entire process of claiming compensation:

  • They will evaluate the damage and provide extremely accurate estimates of the repair costs to state your case as strongly as possible right from the beginning. Backing up your claim with the right evidence is a crucial phase of the compensation claiming process, and the adjuster will provide undeniable proof of the damage suffered by your property.
  • They will prepare your claims documentation making sure it complies with all rules, regulations and standards applicable in the insurance industry. They will collect the expert opinions that justify your claim, thus maximizing the chance of success as early as the phase of application submission.
  • They will assist you during the negotiation process and argument your compensation claim. Insurance companies usually try to under-evaluate your claim, but expert public adjusters are skilled in handling the negotiation in a way so as to obtain maximum compensation in the end.
  • They will help you obtain written quotes from contractors and assist you with the scheduling and completion of the repair works.

Filing a successful insurance claim can be complicated, but, with proper , the process can be made as easy as possible, so that you can get back to the life you lived before the disaster as soon as possible, and will get the compensation you are entitled to so that you can forget all about the damage.